Stop Trying to Make Things Harder: The Power of Consistency in Achieving Fitness Goals
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

Stop Trying to Make Things Harder: The Power of Consistency in Achieving Fitness Goals

In the world of fitness and health, there's a common misconception that achieving significant weight loss or muscle gain requires embarking on an intense, complicated, and often grueling journey. Many believe that the harder the program or diet, the better the results. However, this approach overlooks a crucial element in the pursuit of health goals: consistency. It's time to shift the focus from complex regimens to the power of consistent actions, no matter how small.

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Drug Addiction And Food Addiction Are Cut From The Same Cloth
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

Drug Addiction And Food Addiction Are Cut From The Same Cloth

Why do we reach for that needle or that extra-large pizza? It's simple, really. We're trying to soothe ourselves, to find a moment of peace in the chaos of our outside world. It's our way of hitting the pause button on life’s craziness. A study in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology drives this home – both drug and food addictions are about seeking relief. We're not just feeding a physical craving; we're trying to calm a mental storm.

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 Casual Dehydration: The Unseen Menace in Your Daily Routine
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

Casual Dehydration: The Unseen Menace in Your Daily Routine

Casual dehydration – it’s a silent issue that doesn’t scream for attention like a broken leg or a bad hangover, but it's wreaking havoc on your body in ways you might not even realize. Picture this: you’re so caught up in the daily grind that you forget the simplest act – drinking water. Sounds trivial, right? But here’s the rub: your body is practically begging for hydration, and you’re leaving it high and dry.

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Consistency is For Seven Days. Every Week.
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

Consistency is For Seven Days. Every Week.

Ever notice how the weekend feels like a mini-vacation from everything, including your diet? You've been a saint from Monday to Friday, but come Saturday, it's like unleashing a hungry bear that's been hibernating all week. Here’s the kicker, my friends: those weekend splurges? They're like throwing a wrench in the cogs of your well-oiled machine of weekday discipline.

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Lateral Band Walks: The Underrated Hero for Back Pain Relief, Hip Strength, and a Killer Butt
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

Lateral Band Walks: The Underrated Hero for Back Pain Relief, Hip Strength, and a Killer Butt

Lateral band walks are much more than a social media fad. They’re a potent exercise for tackling lower back pain, fortifying your hips, and carving out a butt that’s as strong as it is shapely. It’s time to give this exercise the respect and place it deserves in your workout regimen. Remember, the best exercises are often the ones misunderstood; it’s our job to uncover their true potential.

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Heel Elevated Goblet Squat: The Best Way To Squat For Healthy Knees and Ankles
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

Heel Elevated Goblet Squat: The Best Way To Squat For Healthy Knees and Ankles

In essence, the heel elevated goblet squat is like a tailored suit for your lower body – it fits just right, keeping your knees and ankles in their comfort zone while still delivering the results you want. So, whether you're working around an old injury or just looking to optimize your squat form, this variation has got your back (and your knees and ankles, too).

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Beating the Bicep Tendon Blues: Two Proven Techniques for Pain Relief
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

Beating the Bicep Tendon Blues: Two Proven Techniques for Pain Relief

While these exercises are great for alleviating pain, remember, prevention is better than cure. Maintaining proper form during exercises, ensuring adequate rest, and incorporating regular stretching into your routine are essential to keep your biceps happy and healthy. Consistency is key – make these exercises a regular part of your fitness regimen for the best results.

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The Best Lower Back Stretch for 2024
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

The Best Lower Back Stretch for 2024

Lower back pain doesn't have to be a life sentence. By understanding the role of the QL muscle and incorporating the QL stretch into your routine, you can take a proactive step towards managing and preventing lower back pain. Remember, consistency is key. Make this stretch a part of your daily routine and experience the difference it can make.

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The Best Exercise To Fix Knee Pain in 2024
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

The Best Exercise To Fix Knee Pain in 2024

The secret lies in the eccentric phase of the movement – the slow, controlled descent into the squat position. By emphasizing the eccentric phase, you're essentially training your muscles to act as shock absorbers, taking the load off your knee joint and reducing the risk of injury.

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