How to Survive Your First Month of Fitness
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

How to Survive Your First Month of Fitness

The first month of any endeavor will be the most difficult.  

This is simply because it is new, and the habits, actions and mindset required are new and different to what you are used to.  You’re going to be expending energy in new ways, and that can often be a shock to the system.
This does not mean the first month will not be fun, effective or enlightening.  It just means it will be difficult.  You will be sore, you might get tired and you might curse at us a few times.

In order to make your first month as easy as possible we focus on developing Healthy Habits.  

Taking the time to develop and reinforce these habits will make the rest of your fitness journey much easier, and ensure that you will constantly be progressing towards your goal.

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22 AB Exercises That Aren't Crunches
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

22 AB Exercises That Aren't Crunches

Crunches are not the best exercise choice.  They are not optimal for your ab development OR the health of your spine.

This video details twenty two better options than the traditional crunch.  

The exercises included in this video will work your abs harder than 100 crunches and develop the athletic stability needed to have a healthy spine, and hips for the rest of your life.

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How to Build Muscle: The Definitive Guide
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

How to Build Muscle: The Definitive Guide

A question I get asked a lot is “What exercise can I do to make (insert muscle) bigger?”

Most people want to be told of some magical, crazy exercise that will somehow perfectly stimulate their desired area in 5-10 reps and add 1lb of muscle per month.

As if there is an exercise Holy Grail they haven’t found yet.

I always disappoint them when I tell them the truth.

It really doesn’t matter which exercise you pick.

As long as you are stimulating the targeted muscle the exercise itself doesn’t really matter.

The most important factors that contribute to muscle size are volume, intensity and progressive overload.  It's about how often you stimulate each muscle group, how hard you work it and how much improvement you make with each muscle group that determines how big you can get.   

I'll define these terms for you as we go on.  At the end I'll show up how to put it all together to build the perfect muscle building plan.

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Fix Your Bad Nutrition Habits
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

Fix Your Bad Nutrition Habits

Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have bad nutrition habits.

You may eat something you love, and then feel guilty about it 2 hours later.  

That is a bad habit.  

It's like a smoker who is trying to quit cigarettes.  They want nothing more than to have a cigarette, and might mentally "need" it".  But after they give in to temptation they feel awful, guilty and less than themselves.


Because they have conditioned themselves to believe they need that cigarette, and are probably addicted to the nicotine.

Your bad nutrition habits are no different.  Here's how to identify your bad habits, and then how to change them.

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How to Track Your Food
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

How to Track Your Food

If you are trying to change your body in any way you need to track your food.

It doesn't matter if you're trying to add muscle and weight, or lose fat and slim down.  Tracking your calories is non-negotiable.  You must do it.  There is no way around it.

Calorie intake is the number one factor that dictates your weight and size.  It's so important that it can't be left to guess work.  You need to know exactly how many calories you need to ingest, and properly track those calories to ensure that you will hit your goal.If you don't track your calories you have no room for complaint when you don't reach your goal.  You didn't work hard enough, you didn't stay disciplined enough.  

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A Smarter Way to Train Your Abs
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

A Smarter Way to Train Your Abs

If you're a beginner in the gym you shouldn't waste a lot of time training your abs.  Your time in the gym needs to be focused on being efficient and effective.  You need to focus on exercises and movements that will produce the biggest strength gains in order to reach your goal quicker. 

Spending 30 minutes deadlifting is unbearably more effective than spending 30 minutes wiggling around doing poorly executed crunch variations.  Bigger movements will burn more calories and make you stronger.  Focusing on doing stupid ab exercises will make your stomach sore, and that's pretty much it.   

All that being said, you can target your abs directly in a quick and effective manner.  You just need to be smart about their inclusion and add the right kind of resistance.

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Posture Fixes that Won't Make You Look Ridiculous at Work
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

Posture Fixes that Won't Make You Look Ridiculous at Work

Bad posture is a position that hinders the natural movement and/or position of your spine.  It forces your body to compensate by limiting ROM or transferring force to another part of your anatomy.  For example if your hips slide forward on the chair it will make your upper back round, pushing your shoulders and scapula out of position causing you to look like the hunchback of Notre Dame.

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3 Ways to Fix Your Shoulder
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

3 Ways to Fix Your Shoulder

Shoulders can suck.  A lot of you reading this probably have shoulders that are in constant pain, make weird noises or are actively trying to kill you.

That’s not a good thing, but you can fix it.  You need to incorporate smart strategies and lifts in the gym.  

Here are 3 stupidly easy strategies to incorporate into your workout plan.

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Detoxes are Bullshit
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

Detoxes are Bullshit

Detox diets, juice cleanses and slim teas do not work.  They are harmful to your health and ignore biological principles.   Learn the one EASY way to trigger your body's natural cleansing mechanism.

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Consistency Is More Important Than Intensity
Patrick Henigan Patrick Henigan

Consistency Is More Important Than Intensity

You don’t need to “get in shape” to work with a trainer, or take a finely crafted fitness class.  A good trainer and a good instructor will enable you to maximize your current potential while constantly improving.  They’ll keep you mentally engaged while ensuring that you’re working in ranges that are healthy, sustainable and improvable.  

You'll get in shape much faster by training instead of spending 8 weeks trying to get in shape to get in shape. 

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